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3 posts from July 6, 2003 - July 12, 2003

Jul 12, 2003

President Obviously Still "Moved"


On The BAG :Associated Press photo on cover of New York Times, 7/12. Presient Bush With Children's Choir, Many Of Whom Have Lost Parents To AIDS

Jul 11, 2003

President Obviously "Moved"

Headline on the STATE DEPARTMENT WEBSITE (7/11/03):

President "Moved" by His Africa Trip, Powell Says

Article Summary: On July 10th, Secretary Powell told Larry King that the President had been moved by his five nation trip to the continent. He said that Mr. Bush was particularly moved by his trip to Goree Island off the coast of Senegal. "... I think he was deeply moved by that," Mr. Powell said. "I think he was also moved by his time in Senegal and South Africa and today in Botswana..." Mr. Powell added.


On The BAG :
Reuters photo in New York Times on July 9th.
President Bush holding hands with the Senegalese president, Adboulaye Wade.

Associated Press photo on cover of New York Times July 10th.
President Bush and President Thabo Mbeki of South Africa in an embrace.

Jul 10, 2003

New White House Word Of The Week


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