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Aug 02, 2004

Will Ferrell "Pasturizes" Bush


If you've been following this blog, you know how rarely I use the term "hilarious."

This parody of a Bush campagn commercial, starring Will Ferrell, is featured at This spoof site was created by ACT or Americans Coming Together. ACT claims to be creating the largest voter contact program in history. Operating in 17 key states, the organization is dedicated to canvassing precincts to help defeat President Bush.

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» Will Ferrell as President Bush from What the Deuce?
Sure, the US 2004 Presidential election is long over, but this video remains funny (especially for fans of Will Ferrell). George W. Bush - A Message... [Read More]


My guess is that lame bit of drivel should add at least 2% to W's polling numbers...why not just say things like "to each according to his needs..", if you really want to lose Kerry votes...Kinda cool that these folks actually think they are helping, and Kerry does not take them to court to get them to stop....

Will Ferrell is funny, but they should have gone with a straight campaign parody. By showing it as "outtakes", much of the potential impact is lost. It just comes off as Ferrell vamping on the Bush is an Idiot meme. Not very effective at all.

Jojo-- out of whose ass did you pull that? Your own or Karl Rove's? Who are those two percent of voting adult Americans that are suddenly going to vote for Bush because of a skit they saw on some website that poked a little fun? The video is so innocuous that the only type to be offended by it would already be voting for Bush in the first place. If an actual undecided voter saw it and decides to vote for Bush because of it, then one wonders how that person has survived as an undecided for four years without hearing a single Bush joke to awaken the inner dubya?

On the video itself-- I don't get the impression that it's really supposed to be much more than a humorous clip to amuse the troops. I mean, it's the centerpiece of a fundraising campaign by ACT: who else besides the democratic activist base is really the target here? They're already singing to the choir, so being effective isn't really an issue.

It is guilty of greatest crime possible:

It is unfunny.

I thought it was funny in an understated sort of way. Ferrell could have made it funnier if he'd tripped or hooked himself with the scythe or run away from the horse.

I loved it.

Lame. If that's the best ACT can come up with, hope is stuck in the orange barrel zone.

j.pickens...I seldom reach such high levels as it would take to gather info from Turd Flower's posterior...Yes, it will appeal to 9/11 fans, but they are already voting for Kerdwards. You will find quite a few folks who will think that a.) the Dem candidate was actual responsible for putting it out, b.) it is *at best* childish when many of those undecided voters are looking for somebody serious (hence flag-draped Boston) and c.)It just wasn't clever OR funny.

My guess is that the SDS-wing of the Democratic party who are running ACT, without adult supervision, will head further and further down this path. If I were the RNC I would raise money for them

BTW From the ACT website...hee that is funny!

"Americans must be able to trust the facts in political ads. Every voter has the right to truthful advertising. Free speech is no defense to massive, purposeful fraud.

You, the FCC, have an obligation to ensure that broadcast stations around the country do not transmit misleading, deceptive and fraudulent advertising.

We, the undersigned American citizens, demand that you require proof of fact before airing political advertisements. Laws must change to protect our democracy."

Guess it should be sign 'M.Moore'???

I love Will Farrell, but I have to admit that this was only mildly amusing. In fact, calling it lame is not putting too harsh a tag on it. If you really think this was "hilarious", I have to question whether you have a sense of humor at all.

Hmmm... Some pretty serious folks here. I found it fairly amusing.

Oh, and if you recognize the fact that this spoof is aimed at the coming Bush ad blitz portraying him as, in ACT's words, a "true Texas cowboy", it's also timely and right on target. How many cowboys from the heartland got legacy admission to Yale?

Now the DNC...they know real humor when the see it

What the meaning of "on" is....Very Clinton-esk..

"(08-05) 12:51 PDT WASHINGTON (AP)..The Kerry campaign has denounced the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth, saying none of the men in the ad served on the boat that Kerry commanded."

"[HUMAN EVENTS]The problem is that none of these men claimed to have served on Kerry's SWIFT Boat. They simply said they "served with John Kerry" -- and they did."

In the same letter the DNC tries to, how does ACT put it, "muzzle free speech" by threatening lawsuits against stations that run the Human Events ad...why stop there...Wil Ferrell clearly does not work ON Bush' ranch, Michael Moore does not base his films ON facts....Ban them all!

It's one of the funniest goddam things I've ever seen.

Will Ferrell is a Comic Genius!

He has an ability to raise the mundane to the hilarious with his dry wit and often confused delivery.

Everyone needs a laugh and why not take a moment to enjoy the fact that our president is a complete moron! I think that americans should take the time to make fun of our president, like everyone else in the world... and then we should kick him out of office and bring him up on charges for being a war criminal.

Heck, let's have Will Ferrel Run for President in 2008! Wouldn't that be a blast?

Key Figure in Anti-Kerry Book Recants; Admits He Lied

The swift boat truth brigade lied. One of them admits it and also admits to not knowing many of the facts. Even John McCain gave them a dressing down this week. You are on the wrong track guys. One guy volunteered and got wounded, another guy punked out and postures in flight suits making excuses. The worst thing I've heard from Kerry is that he wasn't wounded "that bad" and he shot a viet cong that was carrying a rocket launcher in the back. That bastard Kerry. Cry me a river blowhard. Sorry you're wrong.

As for the video, it wasn't haha funny but I agreed with every sentiment in it and enjoyed watching it. Isn't that worth something?

sorry jon, i meant jojo :)

funny and wry. is this supposed to convince swing voters? yeah right. dont kid yourselves,
all you bushites out there, this was a poke...
a chuckle inspired jib for the choir, and it was
completely ferrell. deadpan and dead on.


Whot does "meme" mean? I asked Dick-- Mr Cheney-- er, my Vice President-- well, he's Dick, Dick to me-- and he sayd he didn't know.

I thought this adv. was kinda funny, in a sentisive liberal kind of way. I just wish they made these ads funnier. God belss America.

Dead on! If bush were half as smart as Will portrays him to be we would all be in trouble.

As it stand now, you can pick your favorite corporate servant but there is nobody running from the Demopublican party that serves the interest of the consumer-citizen.

Jojo: Take yer Murkan ass back to FreeRepublic, where you can bitch and moan about how terrible Kerry is all day long....

I found the bit to be slightly funny.It was a little campy(which i'm sure was the intention),but i don't feel it was an effective parody that will sway any undecided voters.Here's why:liberals make decisions based on emotional argument, whereas independent,free-thinking people make decisions based on fact.Therefore,i found it to be ineffective.p.s. i welcome all liberals viewing this paragraph to tell me i'm a stupid fascist who can't spell.That's usually their comeback for any comment posted with slight grammatical errors.Also,they use this tactic when they've been proven wrong,too.Bring it on!

la meme choix

"Here's why:liberals make decisions based on emotional argument, whereas independent,free-thinking people make decisions based on fact."

Sigh. I am assuming you are a liberal, then, because this statement is definitely based upon emotion and certainly you have no facts to back up such a prejudiced, stereotyping comment.

And this "ad" was hysterical. Spot-on impression of Dubya's speech and mannerisms. Two thumbs up.

In Australia we have a tradition of "taking the piss" out of our leaders. If you are going to be public life you have to "cop it".

I found the Ferrell piece amusing but technically crap. It was neither "outtakes" or a straight piece of satire. He also attacked Bush head on in an area where we generally accept that he is competent (and frankly don't care if he isn't) that is, being a ranch owner and around horses. A more fruitful area often attacked is, what does being a rancher have to do with his attitudes and ability to run the country?

It was amusing, yes, but people who think it was "pure genius" or whatever really should take their hand out of the lukewarm water. JibJab was "genius", this was "eh". Ferrell did much better with his Santa Claus parodies for Apple.

I liked it. It was funny, in that Will Ferrell way. If you're not a fan of his, you might not get it so well.

But it's surely not supposed to make people change their minds about Bush. That's silly. It's entertainment! With all the fighting in the world, I give great credit to anyone out there trying to make people laugh with harmless entertainment. Thanks Will & ACT.

No Bush imitation is as funny as watching the Chimp humiliate himself in person, but as a continuation of Ferrell's Bush parodies from SNL, this isn't too bad.

The current cast doesn't have anybody who can do a reliable Bush (although Darrell Hammond as Cheney is excellent) so I've missed Ferrell.

The really priceless stuff was Carvey as Bush Sr. and Ferrell as Jr. -- way back before the nightmare became all too real.

I'm a Will Farrel fan, and enjoyed it. However, Kerry's 20 year record in the Senate speaks volumes about what the American people could expect. Kerry is out of touch with the American way and on the wrong side of history every time he cast a vote on the Senate floor. I'm sorry, but the only person(s) who would vote for Kerry are at best, very ill-advised, and totally uninformed.

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